Hi my name is Serge Ouzilleau, and I would like to tell you about the stud shower system. I have worked and specialized in Tile & Marble for over 25 years. Every time I've worked on a shower there is always a problem with the bottom of the wall, the durock cement board always sticks out and is not plum. So for that reason, I created the leg connecting to the metal stud, and also created the recess, so now we don't install your pan liner on the stud. Instead, we install it in the stud and that resolves a lot of the problem.
Now, if you use the stud extender connecting to the metal stud, then you are able to place it the way you want, approximately every 16 inches vertically, that extends your metal stud about two more inches. Please watch the video for more information.
Using the Stud Shower System and the Stud Extender you can achieve a better, faster and precise installation. For more information how it works please watch our video.
First, your wall will be plum and it will also improve the water problem. If some of the water goes behind the wall, the system will catch the water. So basically, it's like a waterproof system, and it also makes the wall a lot stronger. That's why I recommend that every shower with a pan liner should occupy this system. Also, the installation is very simple. Watch the video for more information.
Second, is the stud extender I created for all the drywall duroc installation. I cannot express how many times we end up with that seem and we need to install two sheets in one stud while having no room. As a result, the crew always messes up and breaks up the duroc drywall, and it's simply because of a lack of room.